S3 Movie Stars!

1) Log into Padlet

Your username is your class + your class number  (ie.  3A35, 3B34)

Your password is english

Log into Padlet HERE: PADLET


2) Make or Find Your Padlet

3) Format

The format of your Padlet is Shelf.

4) Title & Description

  • The title of your Padlet should be “Movie Stars”
  • The description should be “These are my favourite actors and actresses”

5) Content


6) Example:

Made with Padlet

7) Assessment

Give a 1-2 minute presentation to your teacher about your favourite actors and actresses.   Then answer some questions.


8) Rubric

9) Bonus

If you finish, add one more column and answer the following questions.   Then add an image and a voice recording.

  1. What did you learn from this assignment?
  2. What did you do well?
  3. What could you do better?
  4. Which of these movie stars do you like the best?  Why?

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